Movement influenced by emotions...
Emotions affect performance.

There is a reason yoga studios are decorated in soothing colors, with soft music, and the scent of incense, or even bright colors and music that's upbeat because when humans are relaxed or inspired, we move better. What do I mean by "better"? Well, better flexibility, balance and willingness to even try a challenging pose or hold that plank pose for 60 seconds.
Let's test this theory out. If you have a flower nearby to look at or something pleasant to smell, look at it and/or smell the fragrance. Now perform a squat and notice your flexibility, strength and stability. Now, stick your nose in the compost bucket or trash and perform the same squat. Less flexible? Maybe it feels unstable or if you are like me, you don't even want to try to do the movement. There is a reason yoga studios are next to the city dump.
Let's try emotion. Smile, even if you fake it, perform the same squat. Notice flexibility, etc. Now, put on an angry face, maybe clench the jaw. Perform that squat. That doesn't work!
Why am I telling you this? Well, when you are in a bad mood, or the atmosphere isn't quite right, your movement performance will suffer. So put a smile on your face, decorate your space with some appealing sights, sounds and scents, and move that thang 😀