
Hello there. There's always a lot of talk about gratitude this time of year, and I am no different. Yes, I do my best to keep a practice twice a day: once when I wake up in the morning, and once before I go to bed. I simply state out loud or silently to myself all of the things I am grateful for when I begin the day, and all of the things I am grateful for and the end of the day. I can't help but notice my day takes on a different, more gratifying tone when I engage in this practice. How about you? What sort of gratitude practice speaks to you? Maybe it's a prayer before a meal or a moment of gratitude after a yoga class. Whatever it may be, how do you feel after you engage in a moment of gratitude? Lighter? Happier?
That said, this time of year has a grandiose feeling of gratitude about it, and I want to state to the world that I am grateful for this mind/body/soul and the Earth that houses all us beings. I hope you all can pause and reflect on a moment of gratitude. I encourage you to make it specific and small, and perhaps, start a daily routine.
To share my gratitude that I have for this body and all that it does for me, I am going to share a free hour-long Franklin Method® movement practice that I hope you can enjoy during the Thanksgiving holiday!
Click on the link if you are interested, and scroll down to the Free Video Library. The hour-long class is spotlit...enjoy!