Let's get Rowdy!

What is Rowdy Yoga? It is yoga influenced by the tools and exercises of the Franklin Method®. What tools? The tools in your mental toolbox absolutely impact your movement happiness and performance. Rowdy Yoga uses these tools to improve your yoga practice, and your everyday living.
Rowdy Yoga makes noise. We tap our bodies with a cacophonous joy, shake our diaphragms with a raucous sound and laughter. Rowdy Yoga bounces up and down, jumps for joy. Rowdy Yoga practices balance while balancing on balls. Rowdy Yoga strengthens the body using the elastic band. Sometimes Rowdy Yoga is quiet. We use the mind to feel the body. We take time to notice improvement. But then we break out with a pelvis dance!
When movement is Rowdy, it releases tension and stress in the body and the mind. It's playful movement. It's motivating movement. It's energizing movement. Rowdy Yoga keeps you young, but most importantly it's FUN!
Try it now and sign up for a class today! becekidder.com/classes